The Assassin

di Michele Serra

0,99 €

They finally arrested the shop killer. After much seemingly random destruction and quite a few senseless murders, Pedrotti is now ready to confess. Why does he harbor so much hatred against The Cup Store? What is it that enrages him so about Grandma’s Sorbet Shoppe and its hundred and ten different flavors of ice cream? Why was he unable to restrain himself when presented with a pair of “authentic” socks at Thumb and Toe? And what does he have against the Ibigibi armoire on wheels? A criminal psychologist attempts to understand the root of one man’s malice against modern commercialism. Number of characters: 27.314

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Michele Serra

Michele Serra è nato a Roma nel 1954, è vissuto quasi sempre a Milano e ora abita in Appennino. Giornalista, scrittore, autore teatrale, scrive su “Repubblica” la rubrica l’Amaca e …

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  • Marchio: FELTRINELLI
  • Data d’uscita: 14 Gennaio 2015
  • Collana: ZOOM Flash
  • Pagine: 24
  • Prezzo: 0,99 €
  • ISBN: 9788858853504
  • Genere: E-book