
di Pino Cacucci

0,99 €
Campeche is the pastel-colored city. A UNESCO world heritage site, it has a charm all its own, with its walled enclosure and the ramparts, forts, and fortresses that surround it and rise up majestically on its hills. Pino Cacucci’s is an unconventional travelogue, one that deviates from the beaten path to resurrect ancient stories, reveal unspoiled corners, and redeem the true identity of Mexico’s indigenous people. Number of characters: 41.795.
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Pino Cacucci

Pino Cacucci (1955) ha pubblicato Outland rock (Transeuropa, 1988, premio MystFest; Feltrinelli, 2007), Puerto Escondido (Interno Giallo, 1990, poi Mondadori e infine Feltrinelli, 2015) da cui Gabriele Salvatores ha tratto …

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  • Marchio: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
  • Data d’uscita: 5 Novembre 2015
  • Collana: ZOOM Flash
  • Pagine: 36
  • Prezzo: 0,99 €
  • ISBN: 9788858853474
  • Genere: E-book